
Events Calendar

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Brain Anatomy With 3D Correlation to Trauma, Stroke, and Other Pathology
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 08:00am - 12:00pm

Join us on Saturday, March 18, 2023 from 8 am - 12 pm EDT (5 am PDT/ 6 am MDT/ 7 am CDT) on Zoom for a livestream of the Annual Conference session entitled “Brain Anatomy With 3D Correlation to Trauma, Stroke, and Other Pathology,” taught by Linda Littlejohns, MSN RN SCRN CNRN FAAN.

Neuroscience patient care is built on a foundation of normal anatomy knowledge. This session will explore the normal structures, blood supply, lobes and deeper nuclei, brain stem, and cerebellum. In addition to slides and radiographic views, we’ll be able to demonstrate potential pathology in 3D on dual screens. We’ll discuss cases as we explore possible options for management. These 3D views greatly enhance understanding, prevention, and planning for complications in our challenging patients.

Participants can earn 4 CE contact hours for attending the webinar and completing the evaluation. Handouts will be available the week of the webinar. Further instructions will be sent closer to the session date.

This session will only be available live and will NOT be recorded. Please note that by participating in this session, you only have access to this session and you will NOT have access to the full Annual Conference. In order to participate in the full conference, you must register for the Annual Conference.


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