

Neuroscience Nursing Annual Conference

Sunday, March 17 - Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Hyatt Regency Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, UT

Train the Brain: Advancing Neuroscience Nursing Education

Spirit of Neuroscience Nursing Photo Contest

Each year AANN hosts a photo contest to which neuroscience nurses are invited to submit pictures of colleagues, patients, and families.

2024 Spirit of Neuroscience Nursing Photo Contest Criteria

WEB Photo Contest

Capture pictures of your colleagues, patients, and families to submit to the AANN Spirit of Neuroscience Nursing photo contest. Your photo will be displayed on AANN's Facebook page during AANN's Neuroscience Nursing Annual Conference where members and attendees will vote for their favorite images. The member whose photo receives the most votes will win a complimentary conference registration to the 2025 Neuroscience Nursing Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA.

Submission Requirements

  • Photo should convey the spirit of neuroscience nursing.
  • Submissions should be in electronic (JPEG, TIF, GIF) format.
  • A short description of no more than 50 words (including all photo subjects' names and genders) must accompany each photo submission.
  • A signed permission from each person (patient, family, or nurse) in each photo must accompany the submission.
  • All submissions become property of AANN and will be widely shared throughout AANN media, including AANN Neuroscience News.
  • One submission per person
  • Send all submissions to by Thursday, February 29, 2024.

2023 Photo Contest Winner


Congratulations to Andrea Stoll for submitting the winning photo, “Brave Ben.” Andrea has won a free registration to the 2024 Annual Conference in Salt Lake City, UT.

Photo Caption: “This is Ben he is 29 years old. He has had 2 brain tumor resections in 18 months. Ben never caved to the pain, the fear, or the anger that comes with a brain tumor diagnosis. He shows up every month to brain tumor support group to cheer others on. He is the guy who is always going to be there to help others. He is the guy who simply makes others better with just a smile. The most recent MRI shows new growth on the opposite side of his brain. He is presently undergoing chemo and radiation. He is the true spirit of neuroscience. He is my hero!”

*Consent for taking, publication, and use of this photograph is on file.